Donation needs 20 March 2020
20th March 2020
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Current Need
To help people wanting to donate food supplies to the Foodbank these are our current needs to help us keep stocked:
UHT Milk
- Juice
- Cereal or porridge
- Rice and noodles
- Tinned potatoes
- Tinned veg
- Tinned Soup
- Tinned tomatoes
- Tinned meats or fish
- Tinned fruit
- Custard or rice pudding
- Jam
- Toiletries
Here is a link to our full food list if you are interested in this.
Donations can be dropped off at the Lighthouse Project on the top floor of Middleton Shopping Centre during the week (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm).
There is also a temporary collection point at St.Michael’s Scout hut, behind the church off Townley Street, Middleton (M24 1BT) where donations can be left during the Covid-19 lockdown.
In addition to this there is a permanent collection basket in Tesco behind the check-out, this is emptied regularly (you can use this basket even if its not Tesco products you are donating).